
News Roundup 11/16/20

News Roundup 11/16/20

US News Child visits to the ER for mental health reasons is up 31% during the pandemic. [Link] Joe Biden has a plan to appoint a ‘Supply Commander’ that will manage essential supply chains in the US. [Link] San Francisco considers $1,000 fines for people smoking...

News Roundup 11/16/20

News Roundup 10/5/20

US News The US unloads 1.1 million barrels of Iranian oil pirated from a tanker. [Link] American Airlines and United Airlines are threatening to cut 10,000s of jobs. The Democrats are pushing for another bailout. [Link] Reps Gabbard and Massie call for the charges...

All Cops Are Bastards

The sub-human government employees of South Florida are at it again: On Thursday, the Miami Herald reported that the Miami-Dade Police Department has issued 162 citations for violating the county's mandatory mask ordinance, which comes with a $100 penalty. One woman,...

Abolish the CDC, Zika Example

From the Post: Four years before the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention fumbled the nation’s chance to begin effective early testing for the novel coronavirus, the agency similarly mishandled its efforts to detect another dreaded pathogen. Amid a...



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