
Is the Medal of Honor Now Subject to Woke Revisionism?

Note: We just returned from a short vacation visiting new grandchildren hence the brief interregnum of posting. The Medal of Honor is the highest citation for combat action in the US military. It's premature to say exactly what direction this is going because the DoD...

Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones…

Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones…

“Fire, Fire, Fire...” Christopher Hitchens says to his audience, a reference to Justice Oliver Wendall Holmes claim that by shouting “fire” in a crowded theatre one is misusing free speech. As Hitchens in his 2006 talk went on to explain, Holmes used this in his...

Black Magic, Mad Science, and Super-Nazis

Black Magic, Mad Science, and Super-Nazis

On a London soundstage in 1987, a British pop star is filming a music video when he is interrupted by a visitor who has what he considers an insane request: You’re asking me to help you because Nazis from another dimension are trying to take over the world and only...



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