
Getting Money Out of Politics: Abolish the IRS

Getting Money Out of Politics: Abolish the IRS

[I]f you don't get money out of politics, then yes in the long term it's hopeless. But we must, we must get money out of politics. - Cenk Uygur, creator of The Young Turks Progressive Cenk Uygur said these words without realizing the fact that the primary source of...

Pentagon to Expand US Air Defenses in Guam

Pentagon to Expand US Air Defenses in Guam

A Defense Department official told Congress that the Pentagon is acting on plans to build a multi-layered air defense system in Guam, where Washington keeps several military bases. The Missile Defense Agency (MDA) is requesting $1.5 billion to begin stationing new radars and interceptors on the island next year.



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