What follows are highlights from the trove of leaked US government documents that appeared on the internet sometime last month, including a handful of the documents themselves, reporting on the material, my own observations, as well as official statements and...
The RESTRICT Act Is a Death Knell for Online Speech
by Matt Agorist | Mar 30, 2023 | Featured Articles
In an era where the world has become more Orwellian than Orwell himself could have ever imagined, it should come as no surprise that the US government is once again attempting to expand its stranglehold on individual liberty. Enter Senate Bill 686, also known as the...
3/3/23 Jim Bovard on the 1993 WTC Bombing and Global Engagement Center
by Scott Horton | Mar 7, 2023 | The Scott Horton Show
Download Episode. Scott is joined by Jim Bovard to discuss two articles he recently published. The first marked the 30-year anniversary of the World Trade Center bombing of 1993. Scott and Bovard talk about what the FBI knew before the attack. Next they discuss...
What If the Davos Agenda Has Already Been Defeated?
by Tom Luongo | Jan 25, 2023 | Featured Articles
In November 2021 I wrote a piece entitled “Have We Finally Reached Peak Davos?” This article was scarily spot on. When you’ve written as much as I have over the past five years, however, it’s easy to look back and point at how prescient you were. Even if you’ve gotten...
Section 230 Is a Subsidy for Surveillance
by Jeffrey Wernick | Dec 19, 2022 | Featured Articles
The Twenty-Six Words That Created the Internet is a nice book title. It might even be an interesting read. But it is also false. Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web. He stated that the power of the Web was its universality as a permissionless, decentralized,...
12/2/22 John Young on Cryptome, Wikileaks and the Persecution of Julian Assange
by Scott Horton | Dec 9, 2022 | The Scott Horton Show
Download Episode. Scott talks with John Young of Cryptome.org about his attempt to join the Julian Assange indictment as a co-defendant. Before Wikileaks published redacted versions of the State Department cables leaked by Chelsea Manning, Cryptome got access and...
Justice Denied: The Contrast of Ross Ulbricht and Sam Bankman-Fried
by Matt Agorist | Nov 30, 2022 | Criminal Justice, Featured Articles
“How did this dude steal billions of dollars and is now speaking at a summit as a free man? Make it make sense.”- the internet. This is the question that millions of people are asking after weeks have now passed since Sam Bankman-Fried's FTX scandal unfolded....
Freedom of Speech Is Faith in Humanity
by Douglas Young | Nov 16, 2022 | Featured Articles
Elon Musk has completed a private acquisition of Twitter, promising to unshackle what’s supposed to be a free speech forum from the chains of progressive ruling-class censorship. This is a major victory for free expression—witness all the “wailing and gnashing of...
Production for Profit Is Production for People, part 2
"In his capacity as a businessman a man is a servant of the consumers, bound to comply with their wishes. He cannot indulge in his own whims and fancies. But his customers’ whims and fancies are for him ultimate law, provided these customers are ready to pay for them....
Production for Profit Is Production for People
"Profit and loss can be expressed in definite amounts of money. It is possible to ascertain in terms of money how much an individual has profited or lost. However, this is not a statement about this individual’s psychic profit or loss. It is a statement about a social...
"The detractors of liberty are in this sense right in calling it a 'bourgeois' issue and in blaming the rights guaranteeing liberty for being negative. In the realm of state and government, liberty means restraint imposed upon the exercise of the police power. "There...
Freedom and Competition
"The freedom of man under capitalism is an effect of competition. The worker does not depend on the good graces of an employer. If his employer discharges him, he finds another employer. The consumer is not at the mercy of the shopkeeper. He is free to patronize...
Do You Really Meme It?
I was going to write a comment on some current discourse, the usual diatribe of impulsive viral outrage invented by those who live online. A reaction to trending tantrums. The usual produce from memetards who vomit digital junk the algorithms, whether one follows them...
“Mature Capitalism” Ain’t Capitalism
"It would be correct to describe this state of affairs in this way: Today many or some groups of business are no longer liberal; they do not advocate a pure market economy and free enterprise, but, on the contrary, are asking for various measures of government...