John Podesta

Disinformation Pushers, Label Thyself

Disinformation Pushers, Label Thyself

Thanks to the latest release of the “Twitter Files,” we now know without a doubt that the entire “Russia disinformation” racket was a massive disinformation campaign to undermine U.S. elections and perhaps even push “regime change” inside the United States after...

Truth, Lies and Sussmann

Truth, Lies and Sussmann

It can be a bittersweet moment when truth is all that's left. Suspicions of infidelity become credit card receipts from a no-tell motel. A Facebook post tells of a meal shared when a business trip was scheduled. It is ugly, especially the certainty you were lied to by...

More Russia Propaganda

Bloomberg has a big story about how THE RUSSIANS! have been blackmailing the poor Democrats, specifically John Podesta's Center for American Progress: extorting Bitcoins out of them under the threat the hackers will reveal true things CAP leaders emailed to each other...

Major Papers Target AG Sessions Over Russia

On Wednesday night, the big three papers, the New York Times, Washington Post and Wall St. Journal, all ran articles attacking the Trump administration over their supposed "ties" to Russia. Yet, in the tradition of anti-Russia hype in the American media, on close...



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