
Blame Iran

Blame Iran

On FPF #362, I discuss how Iran is being blamed for the attack on two cargo ships in the Gulf of Oman. There are still many actors who may have had the incentive to attack the ships, and no one who is accusing Iran of carrying out the attack has presented any evidence...

All Libertarians Oppose Zionism

Because it's nothing but fascism. 'You threw a stone.' Video shows armed Israeli soldiers forcibly seizing 9-year-old Palestinian boy in his school— CNN (@CNN) April 1, 2019 Story here.

Greenwald and Trump’s ‘Saboteur’

Glenn Greenwald's commentary on this senior Trump "traitor" is that the people in the White House represent an "unelected cabal". Hey, Trump is a great example of why libertarians don't like democracy.  But you know what libertarians hate more democratically elected...



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