
News Roundup 11/10/21

News Roundup 11/10/21

US News A Missouri prosecutor admits Kevin Strickland - who has been in prison for over 40 years for a triple murder - is innocent. [Link] A USA Today investigation finds laws, unions, and culture protect police from facing consequences for committing crimes. [Link]...

News Roundup 11/10/21

News Roundup 10/15/21

US News Missouri’s governor says he is launching an investigation into the St.Louis Post Dispatch after the paper exposed a security flaw in a state website that made teacher’s social security numbers vulnerable. The paper informed the state of the flaw and allowed it...

It Says ‘Shall Not Be Infringed’

It Says ‘Shall Not Be Infringed’

“A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” — The Second Amendment to the US Constitution You can largely determine where a person will fall in the debate over gun...

The Lockdowns Were One Big Fat Mistake

The Lockdowns Were One Big Fat Mistake

Like nearly all U.S. states, Georgia imposed a stay-at-home order in March 2020 in response to demands from public health officials claiming a stay-at-home order would lessen total deaths from COVID-19. But unlike most states, Georgia ended its stay-at-home order...

News Roundup 11/10/21

News Roundup 2/16/21

US News Missouri sent letters to 46,000 residents demanding the repay money the state said it over-paid in unemployment. [Link] Ohio police arrested a mother of two for leaving her ten and two year old children home alone while she was at work. [Link] Biden has...



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