North Korea

News Roundup 5/24/18

Amazon is providing facial recognition technology to police. [Link] A federal judge rules Trump cannot block people on Twitter. [Link] The US government operated a DC streetcar that cost $23 to move one passenger one mile. [Link] The Red Cross estimates 1,200...

FPF #197 – Libyan Style

On FPF #197, I discuss John Bolton's plan for North Korea to undergo Libyan style denuclearization. In December 2003 Libya quickly gave up a nuclear weapons program. In 2011, NATO, led by the US, went to war with Libya. The war was based on myths pushed by Hillary...

News Roundup 4/20/18

Mattis and Bolton have differing views on US foreign policy. [Link] Lockheed Martin wins a $928 million contract to build hypersonic weapons. [Link] Miguel Diaz-Camel will be the next leader of Cuba. [Link] South Korean President Moon says North Korea is looking to...



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