YouTube Has Censored My Recent Interview of Matt Taibbi

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Wv8sypbhBE It used to be here. Say what? Neither of us said anything like that. Ridiculous idiots. Here's what's happened: We discussed the fact that YouTube had previously demonetized his videos about the media's -- including...

The Carl Sagan Case Against Democracy

The Carl Sagan Case Against Democracy

  We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology, in which hardly anyone knows anything about science and technology. - Carl Sagan, BrainyQuote How has science and technology advanced when "we the people" never "voted" for such a thing to...

Chomsky on MacNamara’s Confession

Boy does this have a ring of truth to it: “The one interesting aspect of the book is how little [MacNamara] understood about what was going on or understands today. He doesn’t even understand what he was involved in. I assume he’s telling the truth. The book has a...

NYT: Why Sweden is Moving Right

Yeah, I bet this must be it: "This monumental rise is thanks to the dramatic changes in Swedish life over the past three decades. Once one of the most economically equal countries in the world, Sweden has seen the privatization of hospitals, schools and care homes,...



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