
Failing Upward: The USAF and the Woke Circus

Now the excuse for this apartheid memo is "aspirational" but flag officer notions of aspiration become iron law in the ranks below, it is the nature of the military hierarchy. The Supreme Court made this broad-based discrimination in 2022 for officer selection illegal...

Fraud on Fraud: Compounding The LCS Follies

It only took the DoJ eight years to levy a fine for ripping off tax dollars. Imagine if journalists on the Pentagon beat actually went after the fraud and inefficiencies of the military industrial complex with investigative lenses and FOIA festivals that could shed...

The Carrier Narrative is Dying

Carrier skeptics have been hammering away at the anachronistic cargo cult of the aircraft carrier. The Navy has invested a significant amount of political capital and mountains of budget dollars to maintaining a fleet of these allegedly deadly weapons of war that were...



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