
News Roundup 6/11/20

News Roundup 6/11/20

US News A group in Seattle is occupying several city blocks and declared it an autonomous zone. The occupation includes a police precinct building. The occupiers have released a list of demands. [Link] Minneapolis police slashed the tires of protesters. [Link] The...

Dear Leader Hides in Bunker

Doing his best impression of Bush and Cheney on September 11th, Trump flees in cowardly terror to his underground bunker due to protests and riots outside. As though 1 the protesters had any intention of storming the White House and lynching the president or 2 that...

FPF #499 – Will Porter on Police Brutality and Looting

The US Is Losing in Afghanistan

On FPF #448, I discuss several news stories that are being ignored as the media obsessively covers impeachment. In Afghanistan, a US plane was downed and the UN announced it needs to provide basic aid to an additional three million Afghans this year. The US Embassy in...

Iraqis Protest U.S. Troop Presence

From CNN.  "Hundreds of thousands of protesters marched through Baghdad on Friday calling for US troops to leave Iraq, heeding the call of powerful Shia cleric Muqtada al-Sadr who called for a "Million Man March." The Telegraph is reporting that U.S. and British...

News Roundup 6/11/20

News Roundup 1/20/20

US News The Army is canceling the $45 billion contract to build a replacement for the Bradley Fighting Vehicle. The Army only got one bid on the contract. The Army plans to reexamine its requirements for the replacement and reoffer the contract. [Link] The US sailed a...



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