
Pager-palooza: The Remote Detonation Arms Race Begins

If Israel had this mass remote detonation capability a year ago, why level Gaza when surgical strikes would have sent a more clear message and not set the entire global Islamic world against them (even worse and more vociferously than before)? Inquiring minds want to...

Nation, Race, and Individual

"Nation and race do not coincide; there is no nation of pure blood. All peoples have arisen from a mixture of races.... "[T]he concept of race, in the sense in which the advocates of race policy use it, is new, even considerably newer than that of nation. It was...

What a Disgrace

U.S. Vetoes Security Council Cease-Fire Resolution https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/20/world/middleeast/us-vetoes-ceasefire-resolution.html

Thomas Sowell: Refuting the 1619 Project

Thomas Sowell: Refuting the 1619 Project

https://youtu.be/ZnBbluGt7Vg The Economic Legacy of Slavery What was accomplished by the enslavement of untold millions of human beings in countries around the world? No doubt particular projects here and there were the fruits of slave labor, but it would be difficult...



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