
What I Told the Montana State Senate

What I Told the Montana State Senate

Americans For Prosperity and Concerned Veterans of America had me out to give a talk to a committee of the Montana State Senate in Helena on Tuesday. Here is some of the audio. The first 15 minutes or so about how the corruption of the military industrial complex and...

Global Day Of Action: World Says No To War On Yemen

Call or write your members of Congress and Senate - Biden ran on ending support for the war on Yemen, he needs to be pressured to keep that promise. Sign up here Watch here Over 300 organisations from 18 countries have signed up for a call to action against the war on...

Could 2021 Be The Year Of Bipartisanship?

Starting out that way. Homes of Mitch McConnell and Nancy Pelosi Are Reported Vandalized Mitch McConnell, the Senate majority leader, called the vandalism of his Louisville, Ky., home a “radical tantrum” taken from a “toxic playbook.” The homes of Senator Mitch...

News Roundup 12/29/20

News Roundup 12/29/20

The House overrides Trump’s veto of the 2021 NDAA. The Senate will also likely override the veto. [Link] Biden calls for modernizing US defense capabilities to face China and Russia. [Link] A digital watchdog, the Sada Social Center, reports that Facebook is...



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