
Right Diagnosis, Wrong Prescription

The populist Sanders-left (which is actually broader because it includes Tucker Carlson and others called rightists) is partly correct and partly incorrect about what happened to the Democrats last Tuesday. They say correctly that the Democrats failed because they...

The Soul of a Socialist

From the pen of H. G. Wells (1908), socialist: War is a collective concern; to turn one’s back upon it, to refuse to consider it as a possibility, is to leave it entirely to those who are least prepared to deal with it in a broad spirit. In many ways war is the most...

The Myth of “Public Servants”

The Myth of “Public Servants” Quick objection to socialism. Just as some students thrive in group projects and others don’t, some workers thrive in cooperatives and others don’t. So we shouldn’t insist that every workplace be collectivized in some way; let workers...

And the Winner Is…Not You

And the Winner Is…Not You

Of all the government or quasi-government institutions, there is perhaps none as openly opaque in its operations and unaccountable for its failures as the Federal Reserve. For, unlike its top rivals for this most dubious of distinctions, like the CIA, NSA, or DOD,...



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