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Raptor Woes Continue to Plague the Air Force

More mismanagement and strategic deficit disorder at the Pentagon. The F22 Raptor is a very capable late 20th century aircraft and arguably superior to the much more expensive and increasingly anachronistic  F35; it is being put out to pasture early because of...

If Pigs Could Fly: The F35 Continues to Miss the Mark

The Pentagon will continue to pay Bugatti prices for Yugos until the morale improves. Software upgrades have haunted this flying circus since its "full operational status" was fabricated years ago. The combination of a severely Sovietized acquisition system married to...

“Trillion Dollar Trainwreck…”

Hot garbage on the wing. The pursuit of US and Western air dominance is a pipe dream but a fever dream for the military industrial complex. The existential failure of this fighter program has been stunning to behold. The days of manned fighter aircraft are numbered in...

The Pentagon Follies Continue

The most expensive paper tiger in Earth's history. The F35 continues to bleed out the treasury for no return. The House Armed Services Committee draft version of the bill, released today, also includes $33.8 billion in defense spending at other federal agencies such...

The F35 Continues NOT to Stick the Landing

“I’m getting tired of over-promising and under-delivering,” F-35 program head Air Force Lt. Gen. Mike Schmidt said. The newly-envisioned Block 4 would instead focus on delivering “‘must-have’ content,” Schmidt wrote, which will include an undefined “subset” of 88...

The F35: The Gift That Keeps on Giving

“Soon after publication ‘Superiority’ was inserted into the Engineering curriculum of MIT, to warn the graduates that the Better is often the enemy of the Good, and the Best can be the enemy of both, as it is always too late.” - Arthur C. Clarke Superiority by Arthur...

Welcome to Your Totalitarian Future

Technopoly is now. "Computers" -- meaning un-responsible software programmers -- to decide whether you're allowed to be a parent or not. The perfect solution to the age old question of who could possibly have the legitimate authority to license parenthood? Just let...



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