
Five Myths About Drone Warfare

Myth 1. It's "precision bombing" Myth 2. Drone warfare is ethical Myth 3. If the war is legal so is the weapon Myth 4. Drones are a triumph of technology Myth 5. Drones are effective Aerial bombardment has not created peaceful states, nor defeated IS, nor stopped the...

Interviews of Me

There's been a few lately: Scott Horton & Aleks Svetski. The Monopoly on Violence Pt 1. Wake Up Podcast Scott Horton on his new book ‘Enough Already: Time to End the War on Terror’ The United States Empire - Genocide in Yemen and Beyond Why I am Antiwar - Scott...

Dems Giving Each Other Very Bad Advice

I mean I know they're mostly rationalizing the fact that Biden just can't keep up a busy schedule and as they admit they're afraid he's going to trip up and say something crazy or forget what he's saying, so they're spinning like crazy in this Politico story. But do...



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