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The Pentagon Follies Continue

The most expensive paper tiger in Earth's history. The F35 continues to bleed out the treasury for no return. The House Armed Services Committee draft version of the bill, released today, also includes $33.8 billion in defense spending at other federal agencies such...

Firing Blanks: The Pentagon as a Fiscal Disaster Factory

I have mentioned previously that the introduction of all the latest and greatest western weapons in the inventory given to the Ukraine would have some very deleterious effects in the future. One was permitting possible future antagonists to observe and and take...

The F35: The Gift That Keeps on Giving

“Soon after publication ‘Superiority’ was inserted into the Engineering curriculum of MIT, to warn the graduates that the Better is often the enemy of the Good, and the Best can be the enemy of both, as it is always too late.” - Arthur C. Clarke Superiority by Arthur...

Saturday Snippets 6 April 2024

Like all things, drone racing is the cutting edge of pressing the technology into the future, not government.It's these small and arcane subculture that drive innovation. Did I say not government? The Drone Racing League with tens of thousands of members. The market...

NATO Expansion Will Not Go Unpunished

The Russians have been invaded by the West four times [1812, 1914, 1918, 1941] in the last 212 years. Of course, technically, the precursor for 1918-20 was the German injection of the Bolshevik bacillus in the person of Vladimir Lenin into the Russian body politic in...

Faith in Markets or Faith Politics?

Faith in Markets or Faith Politics?

I plead for greater liberty and a more open world, not because I believe one system happens to be more efficient than another, but because those things provide a setting that unleashes individual creativity as no other system can. They spur dynamism that has led to...



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