TSA Gets a Raise

Are you bummed because inflation's got you again wit' yer broke ass? Well take heart. Federal Government employees are doing better than ever at your expense. So at least they've got that going for them.

And Just Like That, The Culture Changed

I’ve heard some people compare the existence of the TSA (I used this erroneously for a while) to mask wearing, social distancing and lock downs as proof that the people will accept changes that are clearly theater and inconveniences when they are in fear. The problem...

It’s Not About Osama bin Laden

It’s Not About Osama bin Laden

On FPF #401, I argue that the war on terror is not about stopping and killing terrorists. From Afghanistan to the TSA at your local airport, what the government is doing to "prevent terrorism" is not about stopping the next 9/11. Most Americans still believe the...



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