war on drugs

Thomas Szasz: Champion of Freedom

Today is the 104th anniversary of the birth of Thomas Szasz (1920-2012), the great if unappreciated libertarian and defender of individual autonomy and dignity. A psychiatrist by profession, for over 50 years, Szasz was the foremost critic of the social-control system...

A Conservative/Libertarian Alliance

A Conservative/Libertarian Alliance

https://youtu.be/y-f9wLgBjJ0 Focusing on disparities also distracts from focusing on the principle at hand. Progressives often will oppose the “War on Drugs,” for example, on the grounds that certain demographics are disproportionately targeted for drug arrests. But...

The Fluid Morality of Statism

The Fluid Morality of Statism

For anyone who has been forced to justify their beliefs when it comes to individual liberty, we are often placed onto the back foot in the defense of the imaginary. The what if? emerges as an ideological assault that somehow is expected to prove the supremacy of the...

My 40 Year War on Reefer Madness

My 40 Year War on Reefer Madness

Forty years ago this week, the Los Angeles Herald Examiner published my first attack on the federal drug war. The previous year, the Reagan administration unleashed its "Just Say No" program, vilifying anyone who smoked a joint, sniffed the wrong powder, or used...



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