An Amiable Contrarian – The Great Ron Paul: The Scott Horton Show Interviews 2004-2019

An Amiable Contrarian – The Great Ron Paul: The Scott Horton Show Interviews 2004-2019

The Great Ron Paul: The Scott Horton Show Interviews 2004-2019 When Ron Paul left Congress after failing to win the GOP nomination in 2012, it seemed as though the movement that formed around his two historic presidential campaigns would continue to thrive. After all, his son Rand Paul was a popular first-term senator and an early frontrunner for 2016. But then came Donald Trump, whose rise realigned American politics, ending not only the Bush and Clinton dynasties, but what the New York Times called “the Libertarian Moment.” It’s now common in the liberty movement to hear about the need to...

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Acting Against Segregation: A Libertarian Review of Green Book

Of the several controversies surrounding this year’s Academy Awards program, which airs this Sunday, Feb. 24, none is more ridiculous than the furor over best picture nominee Green Book. It’s a story about race relations in the 1960s that uses tones and tropes that we’ve seen many times from Hollywood for the last half century. And for that reason the criticisms against it have snowballed into a smear campaign, which has in turn led to a positive reaction in defense of the film, making it the entry most likely to upset Roma for best picture honors. Green Book’s critics, to paraphrase a few...

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Movies for Libertarians: Little Pink House

Movies for Libertarians: Little Pink House

I finally got around to finding and watching Little Pink House after hearing its writer/director/producer, Courtney Balaker, on The Tom Woods Show back in May. Flying under the radar to one art house theater at a time, it didn't come anywhere near me, and in the places it did land, it got reviews ranging from tepid to mildly positive. That's a shame, because, with strong performances from Catherine Keener and Jeanne Tripplehorn, Balaker's film tells the heartbreaking and all-too-true tale of what happened when an average American dared assert her basic rights against a government bent on...

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