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Your One Phone Call Could End the World’s Worst War

Your One Phone Call Could End the World’s Worst War

There’s action on Capitol Hill you ought to know about: a brief opportunity, and a long disappointment. Most importantly, there is a joint resolution set to hit the floor of Congress this week that would end U.S. involvement in the war on Yemen. If you don’t recall, this is a war Barack Obama started in 2015 to placate the Saudi Arabian despotism. Since then, we’ve been giving weapons, information, and labor to the Saudi war effort as they pummel the poorest country in the Middle East into a mass grave. Washington DC has even forced U.S. special operations to form tactical alliances with Al...

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NATO Doesn’t Supersede the U.S. Constitution

NATO Doesn’t Supersede the U.S. Constitution

As our government continues to bumble and stumble at full speed towards World War III, the concept of tripwires and the legal authority of Article 5 become required understanding for the vigilant citizen. Last week the American people received the then-breaking news that a missile had landed in Poland and killed two people. Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky said that this was a purposeful act of war by Russia, and that the West must respond with full kinetic retaliation. He was joined by his amen corner here in the United States, that group of politicians, regime journalists, and paid...

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Remembering Daniel Webster This Election Day

Remembering Daniel Webster This Election Day

Tomorrow is Election Day. There’s going to be a lot of candidates and a lot parties on the ballot—Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, Greens, etc. Someday, when I enter the booth in my local polling station to pull that lever of democracy, I hope to see the words Peace Party next to a candidate’s name. That’s the label Daniel Webster campaigned under in 1814. His country was in a war he thought was senseless. His neighbors felt unheard in Washington DC, and his home was becoming impoverished under the heavy costs of war. So when he ran for re-election to the U.S. House, he wanted everyone...

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Betrayal of the American Left

Betrayal of the American Left

I’m sure most of you remember the liberal protests against George Bush’s invasion of Iraq. They were big, they were loud, they were sometimes rude. And I can’t vouch for all of their hairstyle choices. But they were right. The invasion of Iraq was a criminal enterprise, an unconstitutional war built on lies that decimated a country, killed thousands of American soldiers and upwards of a million Iraqis. Our nation is still involved in endless wars, not just in Iraq but also Syria, Yemen, and possibly a nuclear showdown with Russia. Since Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine in February, our...

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Joe Biden Is Not JFK

Joe Biden Is Not JFK

This past weekend, without fanfare, passed two anniversaries which remind us why Bring Our Troops Home is such a pivotal organization, and why we deserve your continued support. First, it was the 20 year anniversary of George W. Bush signing the 2002 Authorization for Use of Military Force. This was the resolution—still on the books—that Congress passed giving the president unlimited authority to wage perpetual war in Iraq. Twenty years later, and we still have 2,500 soldiers in Iraq. And there are neocons lobbying to use it as an excuse to go to war with Iran. (Try explaining how that makes...

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Can Elon Musk Stop World War III?

Can Elon Musk Stop World War III?

Elon Musk is a remarkable figure. We’re still waiting to see whether his purchase of Twitter will go through, and if the censorship and artificial suppression of the America First movement will stop under his management of the company. I’m hopeful though; Musk appears to be giving more consideration to foreign policy, and with a businessman’s mind for efficiency is cutting through the media’s propaganda. Last week he sent this tweet, asking his Twitter followers if they thought this would be an equitable solution to the Russia-Ukraine War. It gives priority to self-determination of local...

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I Didn’t Join the Military to Fight for Taiwan

I Didn’t Join the Military to Fight for Taiwan

Are you ready to go to war to “protect” a place, thousands of miles away from our nation, which we have no treaty alliance with and no overriding national interest? I’m not talking about Ukraine, even though we continue to pump that country full of billions of dollars in weapons and supplies in a proxy war against Russia. I’m talking about Taiwan, located off the coast of China in the Pacific Ocean. Joe Biden just promised to defend it with the full military might of the United States. When I joined the U.S. Marine Corps Reserves, and later the Idaho Army National Guard, I signed up to...

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