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New Florida Bill Would Ban Central Bank Digital Currencies

New Florida Bill Would Ban Central Bank Digital Currencies

A bill introduced in the Florida House would ban the use of central bank digital currency (CBDC) in the state. Rep. Wyman Duggan (R) brought House Bill 7049 (H7049) to the House Commerce Committee on March 28, and the committee voted along party lines to officially introduce the bill. The legislation would explicitly exclude a CBDC from the definition of money in Florida, effectively banning its use in the state. H7049 defines central bank digital currency as a “digital medium of exchange, or digital monetary unit of account issued by the United States Federal Reserve System, a federal...

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Arizona State Senate Passes ‘Defend the Guard Act’

Arizona State Senate Passes ‘Defend the Guard Act’

[Yesterday], the Arizona Senate narrowly passed the Defend the Guard Act, a bill to require the governor to stop unconstitutional foreign combat deployments of the state’s National Guard troops. Passage into law would take a big step toward restoring the founders’ framework for a state-federal balance under the Constitution. Sen. Wendy Rogers (R) and three fellow Republicans introduced Senate Bill 1367 (SB1367) on January 31. Titled the Defend the Guard Act, the legislation would prohibit the governor from releasing any unit or member of the Arizona National Guard into “active duty combat”...

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Arizona Senate Committee Passes ‘Defend the Guard’

Arizona Senate Committee Passes ‘Defend the Guard’

Today, an Arizona Senate committee passed the Defend the Guard Act to require the governor to stop unconstitutional foreign combat deployments of the state’s National Guard troops. Passage into law would take a big step toward restoring the founders’ framework for a state-federal balance under the Constitution. Sen. Wendy Rogers (R) and three fellow Republicans introduced Senate Bill 1367 (SB1367) on Jan. 31. Titled the Defend the Guard Act, the legislation would prohibit the governor from releasing any unit or member of the Arizona National Guard into “active duty combat” unless specific...

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New Jersey Resident Exposes Totalitarian Implications of Facial Recognition

New Jersey Resident Exposes Totalitarian Implications of Facial Recognition

When we warn about the growing pervasiveness of facial recognition systems, people often shrug and say, “it’s no big deal if you have nothing to hide.” The experience of a New Jersey woman illustrates the dangerous flaw in that thinking. Kelly Conlon went to New York City to enjoy the Christmas Spectacular at Radio City Music Hall with her daughter’s Girl Scout troop. But Conlon was denied entry when facial recognition identified her. Is Conlon a criminal or a dangerous terrorist? No. According to NBC4 in New York, she works for a New Jersey law firm that has been engaged in personal injury...

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Skynet Delayed: Killer Robot Proposal Defeated in San Francisco

Skynet Delayed: Killer Robot Proposal Defeated in San Francisco

Under intense pressure from grassroots activists, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors reversed course and banned killer robots in the city. The San Francisco Police Department’s plan to arm robots came to light under a police militarization transparency law passed last year. The SFPD owns 12 functioning robots used primarily for bomb disposal and reconnaissance in dangerous situations. The department acquired the robots between 2011 and 2017. According to an AP report, some of the robots were purchased with federal funds. None of the robots came equipped with weapons, but the police...

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Missouri Becomes Third State to Introduce Defend the Guard for 2023

Missouri Becomes Third State to Introduce Defend the Guard for 2023

A bill prefiled in the Missouri House for the 2023 legislative session would require the governor to stop unconstitutional foreign combat deployments of the state’s National Guard troops. Passage into law would take a big step toward restoring the founders’ framework for a state-federal balance under the Constitution. On Dec. 1,  Rep. Brian Seitz (R) prefiled House Bill 166 (HB166). Titled the Defend the Guard Act, the legislation would prohibit the governor from releasing any unit or member of the Missouri National Guard into “active duty combat” unless Congress has passed an official...

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Resisting Tyranny, Colonial Style

Resisting Tyranny, Colonial Style

As the British put increased pressure on the American colonists in an effort to force them into submission, the colonists backed up their increasingly forceful rhetoric with concrete actions to undermine British authority. The colonists began perfecting this formula after the passage of the Stamp Act in 1765. Resistance started with protests. Patrick Henry drafted a series of resolutions. In the seventh, He asserted, “the Inhabitants of this Colony, are not bound to yield Obedience to any Law or Ordinance whatever,” outside of those passed by the colonial assemblies. Other prominent...

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A $31 Trillion National Debt Should Matter To You

A $31 Trillion National Debt Should Matter To You

On Oct. 3, 2022, the U.S. national debt eclipsed $31 trillion for the first time in history. When you factor in unfunded liabilities in Medicare and Social Security, the debt skyrockets to well over $100 trillion. As the Anti-Federalist writer Brutus warned: “I can scarcely contemplate a greater calamity that could befall this country than to be loaded with a debt exceeding their ability to ever discharge.” Well, here we are. That amount can never be paid off. The debt broke through $30 trillion on Jan. 31. It took just 8 months to add another trillion to the debt, even with pandemic...

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