"Americans want someone to fault, and, understandably, they're pointing the finger at President Joe Biden, whoas commander-in-chief does deserve the brunt of the immediate blame. But the truth is that Biden's deadly mistakes are a symptom of a thoroughly rotten established political order, one to which Democrats and Republicans alike, along with conservative and liberal media, are beholden." Bodies littered the Kabul airport on Thursday as bloodied and battered survivors of a suicide bomber were carted off in wheelbarrows. When the dust generated by the blast settled, more than 100 people...
Daniel R. DePetris: There Was No Goldilocks Option In Afghanistan
"The next time you watch a former U.S. commander or senior defense official on television wax about some magic solution to Afghanistan's problems, save yourself the trouble and change the channel. The sustainable stalemate is a myth, nothing more and nothing less." Daniel R. DePetris at Newsweek Four months after President Joe Biden decided to withdraw U.S. forces from Afghanistan, a narrative continues to proliferate in the ether that the White House could have simply carried on with the status-quo ante: retaining several thousand U.S. troops and helping the Afghan government...
‘Death’ by Ross Ulbricht
Marcus Aurelius, the emperor and stoic, wrote: “Imagine you are dead. You have lived your life. Now take what’s left and live it properly.” No one makes it out alive. In the end, they put you in a hole in the ground and throw dirt in your face. But having accepted this, the question one must face is “now what?” Will you live this day as if life is just another thing to take for granted? Will you waste it bored and cynical? I never knew just how precious life is until I lost it. When I stop and look at myself, my life, the universe and everything, I am deeply humbled. I am grateful for what...
Paying Tribute To The Gods Of War
Ruby Ridge – On Aug. 21, 1992, Six Heavily Armed, Camouflaged U.S. Marshals Sneaked Onto Mr. Weaver’s Property
"The American people look forward to learning the truth of the Randy Weaver case. Unfortunately, that truth will have to come from someplace other than the Federal Bureau of Investigation." Jim Bovard responds to Louis Freeh, FBI Director (see Jim's full response below) The Wall Street Journal Monday, February 27, 1995 Letters to the Editor: The FBI Should Face the Facts Federal Bureau of Investigation Director Louis Freeh, in his Jan. 26 Letter to the Editor, denies the allegations from my Jan. 10 editorial-page article that the FBI has engaged in a coverup regarding its actions at Ruby...
They Never Give Up And Neither Should We
They are well funded, they have institutional power, they have found a new home in the democrat party and they never back down. You would think that the Afghanistan debacle is another blow to neoconservatives: That the school of foreign policy experts inside the Beltway who gave us the Iraq war would be further discredited by the fall of Afghanistan. That America’s humiliating defeat and the Taliban’s swift return to power despite 20 years of our remaking that society in our own image would crush the neoconservative doctrine of using overwhelming American force to impose “democracy” across...
Just In Time For The Mandatory Vaccine Rollout
U.S. Embassy In Afghanistan Issues Security Alert – U.S. Citizens Should Leave Afghanistan Immediately
More here Will anyone be held accountable? All the generals responsible will go on to have successful careers at Raytheon, Boeing, Lockheed Martin .....