
Liberty Needs You!

In these bleak times, the cause of liberty needs you more than ever. A key way to help is to make a tax-deductible contribution to the Libertarian Institute, which for years has published important online articles about all aspects freedom and oppression on a daily...

‘Incitement’ Is A Fake Crime

‘Incitement’ Is A Fake Crime

Former president Donald Trump has been impeached for “incitement to insurrection.” The House Democrats’ claim is that Trump made an inflammatory speech which—a week later—led to the Capitol riot of January 6. The Senate is now considering whether or not to convict...

‘Libertarian Terrorists’

‘Libertarian Terrorists’

The Department of Homeland Security issued on Wednesday a nationwide terror alert lasting until April 30. The alert warns of potential terrorist attacks from Americans who are “ideologically motivated” and have “objections to the exercise of government authority and...


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