
Boycotting Boycotts

Boycotting Boycotts

Another day, another controversy about Colin Kaepernick and so-called patriotism. This time, Nike pulled a line of shoes with the Besty Ross flag on the back because Kaepernick objected that it was flown in the slavery era. Others say it's objectionable because white...

Wall Talk

Wall Talk

There’s a lot of Wall talk going on these days, but both political sides’ proposed solutions would seem to make everyone in this country less free. Is there a way to address these border issues in a way that would increase personal freedom instead? Looking at each...

11/9/18 Sheldon Richman on Voting

Sheldon Richman shares his election day experience, one where he got to choose exactly the outcome he wanted and take home real products afterward—namely, he went to the grocery store. Richman contrasts the voting of the marketplace that we do every day with our...


The most important lesson of the “Me Too” phenomenon has, of course, gone completely ignored:  it is the same as the most important lesson that ubiquitous cell phone video and Donald Trump’s presidency have taught us, which is that absolutely no one, no matter how...

Are Libertarians Good Neighbors?

It is said that fences make good neighbors.  But do libertarians make good neighbors? This question comes to mind because of the problem between the most libertarian member of Congress, Rand Paul, and his neighbor in Kentucky The neighbor was recently sentenced to a...



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