Central Planning

Pragmatic Genocide

Pragmatic Genocide

The lesser of two or many evils is a line of reasoning that tends to favor the status quo. It compromises principles and human dignity to a point where we are made to understand the benefits of injustice and less freedom. We are told, it could always be worse. If one...

US Reverses Course on West Bank Settlements

US Reverses Course on West Bank Settlements

The planned expansion of Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank is “inconsistent” with international law, Secretary of State Antony Blinken said, potentially signaling a policy shift for Washington.

The Fluid Morality of Statism

The Fluid Morality of Statism

For anyone who has been forced to justify their beliefs when it comes to individual liberty, we are often placed onto the back foot in the defense of the imaginary. The what if? emerges as an ideological assault that somehow is expected to prove the supremacy of the...



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