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Is Virtue Signaling Vicious?

Is Virtue Signaling Vicious?

Virtue signaling—the practice of highlighting what one takes to be one’s own moral superiority, often by loudly denouncing the character and comportment, including the speech, of other people—has become a dominant mode of rhetoric throughout social media and network...

Event 201

This is some scary, fascist stuff... Remember that time when some of the biggest companies and international government agencies got together to discuss how the coronavirus would lead to a global pandemic, and then systematically decided what the global response...

Q&A Show

I talked with an expert about the Coronavirus, and then I talked with Pete about that.

Feds Keep Stealing PPE From Local Hospitals

FEMA Accused Of Hijacking Protective Gear For First Responders In Massachusetts Town And tests too: Feds seize coronavirus test kit materials bound for Bellingham hospital and Northwest https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4smim2MNvF8

Medicining While Black

Watch a cop jack up a doctor for preparing to go out testing homeless people for the Coronavirus. Well, to the cop, he was just another n-- out there causing trouble. Here's a profile of the only hero in this story. Since the cop has full immunity for any crime he...



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