
Faith in Markets or Faith Politics?

Faith in Markets or Faith Politics?

I plead for greater liberty and a more open world, not because I believe one system happens to be more efficient than another, but because those things provide a setting that unleashes individual creativity as no other system can. They spur dynamism that has led to...

Liberals Are So Horrible

Vote Vets, which was created by Democrats to cash in on opposition to Iraq War II, is now running ads attacking Republicans for holding up more billions for war in Ukraine. They pretend that somehow American forces will have to go fight the next war for Poland or some...

Hey Don’t Threaten Me With a Good Time

WSJ: The U.S. decision not to veto the resolution was “a very bad omen,” said Itamar Rabinovich, a former Israeli ambassador to the U.S. and adviser to several prime ministers. “If things continue this way,” he said, the so-called special relationship between Israel...


The big boss man has said that we can blog, chat and rant about whatever we wish. So, expect to see as much from me here. I most likely will keep most things about the liberty and anti-war sector but I was thinking about sharing short stories, training advice,...



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