
Is Bitcoin A Ponzi Scheme?

Stock analyst Lyn Alden argues it is not. The broadest definition of a Ponzi scheme refers to any system that must continually keep operating to remain functional, or that has frictional costs. Bitcoin doesn’t really meet this broader definition of a Ponzi scheme any...

Vijay Boyapati: The Bullish Case For Bitcoin

I recently transferred my crypto to a Ledger wallet, it felt great to have complete control of my assets. No bank, no government and no third party intermediary. With the price of a bitcoin surging to new highs in 2017, the bullish case for investors might seem so...

Dems Giving Each Other Very Bad Advice

I mean I know they're mostly rationalizing the fact that Biden just can't keep up a busy schedule and as they admit they're afraid he's going to trip up and say something crazy or forget what he's saying, so they're spinning like crazy in this Politico story. But do...



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