
Five Chimneys of Gaza

Millions and thousands become empty numbers when scaled in the context of history. As a scale of human life taken, those numbers are tragic and can seem unreal. A life balanced against policy, allowed to suffer and die beneath a wider context that is expedient or...

Great Resource on the History of Communism

Vladimir Putin's paternal grandfather, Spiridon Ivanovich Putin, was the personal live-at-home cook for Lenin and Stalin. Daily Wire's "Empire of Terror", the case against communism is Bill Whittle's stellar effort. Social proof is a thing. Great interview with...

Saturday Snippets 6 April 2024

Like all things, drone racing is the cutting edge of pressing the technology into the future, not government.It's these small and arcane subculture that drive innovation. Did I say not government? The Drone Racing League with tens of thousands of members. The market...



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