
This is Your Security Force

Miami Herald: After brutal beating of now-paralyzed Florida inmate, women take to social media to protest On Saturday morning, a vigil was held outside the compound, the second in recent weeks, in part to protest the beating of Cheryl Weimar, a 51-year-old inmate who...

America: Totalitarian Police State

Lenore Skenazy at Reason: Mom Ignores Doctor When Her Sick 2-Year-Old Starts Feeling Better, Child Services Send a SWAT Team Arizona Parents Who Defied Doctor's Orders to Bring Sick 2-Year-Old to the Hospital Now Face Child Abuse Charges

It’s Genocide

He died. Though his father rushed walking barefoot! To rescue him! Yemeni father Abdu Shuay, walked 2 hours with his son Akil (5 months) in his embrace When they arrived in this local hospital in Yaslem Hajja( north Yemen), Akil died of malnutrition...



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