
News Roundup 12/21/2023

News Roundup 12/21/2023

Assange Federal Judge Rules 4 Americans Who Visited Assange in London May Sue CIA for Surveillance The Dissenter Israel Israeli officials said Tel Aviv is moving closer to a full-scale war with Hezbollah. The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) and Hezbollah have traded fire...

School Vouchers, and Your Tax Money

School Vouchers, and Your Tax Money

Conservative and libertarian proponents of “school choice,” that is, government-provided educational vouchers that allow low-income parents to send their children to the school of their choice—which usually means private schools that they would otherwise not be able...

The Lockean Delusion

The Lockean Delusion

The classical liberal revolution, starting in the 1600s and continuing through the 1700s, created a new ideal for government. Instead of hoping for just rulers who limited the use of their sovereign power, thinkers like Algernon Sidney, John Locke, and many of the...



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