
The Human Under the Numbers

The Human Under the Numbers

The story of Anne Frank is tragic. If not for the words that she wrote in her diary, she would be a digit of history. Her diary is relatable, and the thoughts that collected inside her being during a horrible time in history gives the reader an idea of who she was....

Cop Kills Man

Some total scumbag called the police on a man for "repeatedly starting" it in his own driveway. But who are the police? Is is Andy Griffith and Don Knotts come to keep the peace? No. It's the American Nazi Communist Gestapo Stormtroopers of Death With Total Immunity...

Walter Wallace’s Mother Called the Cops on Him

Philadelphia cops killed a black man, Walter Wallace, who was, despite early reports that he was standing still, charging them with a knife. A massive riot has broken out in response. They almost certainly...

Cops Almost Kill Kid

Get this: a 13-year-old autistic kid is having a temper tantrum, so what does his mother do? She calls the Nazi Gestapo Stormtroopers of Death to take care of it for her. So they show up and one of them shoots the kid "several" times in the back for running away. For...

120: The Strategy of Silence

120: The Strategy of Silence

Tommy discusses a few current events in order to show how the stories are framed to create a binary, and keep citizens at each other's throat.



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