
Right Diagnosis, Wrong Prescription

The populist Sanders-left (which is actually broader because it includes Tucker Carlson and others called rightists) is partly correct and partly incorrect about what happened to the Democrats last Tuesday. They say correctly that the Democrats failed because they...

Poland Approves Framework for Massive HIMARS Purchase

Poland Approves Framework for Massive HIMARS Purchase

Warsaw took another step towards buying nearly 500 HIMARS launchers manufactured by  Lockheed Martin. The sale is part of Poland's massive military buildup. On Monday, Polish Defence Minister Mariusz Błaszczak announced the framework of the acquisition. "In line with...

COI #135: Hawks in Dove Feathers

COI #135: Hawks in Dove Feathers

On COI #135, Connor Freeman – writer at the Libertarian Institute – returns to the show to discuss how the popular ‘Breaking Points’ podcast sells war under the guise of populism and nonintervention. Connor reviews the career of host Saagar Enjeti, who spent time in...



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