Pledge Allegiance

Put your hand on your heart and sing and cry because the government loves you so so much. If it wasn't for them you wouldn't be free at all! You'd probably be speaking German or Russian or something. Like this lady living the American Dream. Thank goodness government...

Millennial Success Threatens Default Keynesian Fed-Heads

God forbid my generation gets ahead. Ladies & gentlemen, boys and girls, I give you Default Keynesian 101. Today’s “economists” demonize my fellow millennials’ practice of fiscal responsibility. It’s a miracle my generation can express financial-sovereignty at the...

How About Some Accountability

For cops that break the law and send innocent people to jail. Jason Arbeeny, a fourteen-year veteran of the NYPD, was convicted of planting crack on a innocent couple, but avoided jail yesterday with a teary apology. “I can’t look at myself in the mirror anymore,”...



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