
Five Myths About Drone Warfare

Myth 1. It's "precision bombing" Myth 2. Drone warfare is ethical Myth 3. If the war is legal so is the weapon Myth 4. Drones are a triumph of technology Myth 5. Drones are effective Aerial bombardment has not created peaceful states, nor defeated IS, nor stopped the...

Forever Soldiers To Fight Forever Wars

The U.S. military says it is months away from launching clinical trials of a pill designed to block or reduce many degenerative effects of aging—an oral treatment that a leading researcher in the field says is better than nothing while questioning how effective it...

TechnocraChina w/Patrick MacFarlane

TechnocraChina w/Patrick MacFarlane

Patrick of Liberty Weekly joined me to discuss the propaganda surrounding China and the technocratic era we’re currently living in. This conversation went all over the place, and I really enjoy talking with Patrick. I’m certain you will enjoy this episode. Patrick on...

Hotep Jesus

Hotep Jesus

Hotep Jesus joined me to chat about the future of liberty and technology as well as his upcoming book (Kinda). Bryan Sharpe CoinBits Kron Hotep Been Told Yo 19 Skills Pdf Autonomy Course Critical Thinking Course Donate



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