
News Roundup 3/26/2024

News Roundup 3/26/2024

Assange UK Court to Decide Tuesday If Julian Assange Can Appeal Extradition AWC Ukraine The DoD Used $300 Million in ‘Savings’ to Send Arms to Ukraine While Facing a $10 Billion Deficit The Institute  China Beijing Slams US for Getting Involved in China-India...

Trump: The American Empire Personified

That's why they hate him. He's just saying what they're all thinking, but you're not supposed to do that. Dave DeCamp: Former President Trump said in an interview with Israel Hayom over the weekend that Israel made a “big mistake” by broadcasting images and videos of...

The TikTok Totalitarians

The TikTok Totalitarians

On Wednesday, March 13th, a bipartisan group of U.S. Representatives voted to give the U.S. president the power to remove any website, computer or mobile application, or even service provider that the president determines—without due process—is run by “a person...



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