She is the worst criminal in central Texas. Just like all her predecessors. They don't mind putting innocent young women in prison for fake crimes of which they are completely innocent. And they don't mind doing whatever it takes to keep them there long after their...
Cops Kill Man
by Scott Horton | Feb 20, 2020 | Blog
FDA Expands Ecstasy Access to Veterans with PTSD
by Raymond March | Feb 19, 2020 | Criminal Justice, Featured Articles
In 2006, Johnathan Lubecky was deployed to Iraq. While fighting for his country, Johnathan faced constant enemy strikes, one of which resulted in a traumatic brain injury. Exposures to the horrors of war resulted in Johnathan developing post-traumatic stress disorder...
Funny Facts About Dem Fundraising
by Scott Horton | Feb 1, 2020 | Blog
In this story about how Bernie is raising the most money from active duty military, since Trump sold them out, #hope #change, there is this wonderful hilarious paragraph full of terrible things: "Most of the people who have donated to former Vice President Biden’s...
Iraqis Protest U.S. Troop Presence
by Steven Woskow | Jan 24, 2020 | Blog
From CNN. "Hundreds of thousands of protesters marched through Baghdad on Friday calling for US troops to leave Iraq, heeding the call of powerful Shia cleric Muqtada al-Sadr who called for a "Million Man March." The Telegraph is reporting that U.S. and British...
Netanyahu Just Got The Gift Of The Century
by Steven Woskow | Jan 23, 2020 | Blog
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu received the gift of the century on Thursday when Vice President Mike Pence invited him and Blue and White leader Benny Gantz to the White House for talks next Tuesday about the long-awaited peace plan, otherwise known as the 'Deal Of...
Afghanistan: Can We Call This Off Now?
by Scott Horton | Jan 23, 2020 | Blog
Military Times: Afghan officials: US airstrike killed 10 civilians in Herat A drone attack carried out by U.S. forces earlier this month in western Afghanistan that apparently targeted a splinter Taliban group also killed at least 10 civilians, including three women...
What Percentage Of Your Life Has The US Been At War?
by Steven Woskow | Jan 9, 2020 | Blog
Philip Bump at The Washington Post Nearly a quarter of Americans have never experienced the U.S. in a time of peace
Good Plan Means My Plan
"All this passionate praise of the supereminence of government action is but a poor disguise for the individual interventionist’s self-deification. The great god State is a great god only because it is expected to do exclusively what the individual advocate of...
Who Needs What?
"[I]t is evident ... that the man, who first made himself clothes and built himself a cabin, supplied himself with things which he did not much want, since he had lived without them till then; and why should he not have been able to support in his riper years, the...
Whose Plan?
"The alternative is not plan or no plan. The question is whose planning? Should each member of society plan for himself, or should a benevolent government alone plan for them all? The issue is not automatism versus conscious action; it is autonomous action of each...
What Full Liberalism Is Not About
"Liberalism is a doctrine directed entirely towards the conduct of men in this world. In the last analysis, it has nothing else in view than the advancement of their outward, material welfare and does not concern itself directly with their inner, spiritual and...
Greeks Refuse to Purchase Fifty Million Dollar Floating Dumpsters From the US Navy
These floating dumpsters cost the American taxpayer 500-600 million per ship. The US Navy is trying to garage sell these malfunctioning ships to Greece and they are onto the scam. The Greek Defense Minister is smarter than the average bear. Glad to see that even...
Aesthetics and Frequencies w/Mano Elia
Mano is back to discuss the image of God in the world.
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