
News Roundup 12/16/19

News Roundup 12/16/19

US News The US is withholding crucial evidence in the Assange case from his defense team. [Link] Peter Thiel’s Palantir gets a $111 million contract to provide software to the Army. [Link] The 2020 NDAA includes a requirement of Trump to sanction the construction of...

Year Zero 81: Gas Leaks

Year Zero 81: Gas Leaks

From day one libertarians were skeptical of the Douma "gas attack". Last week we were once again proven right when Wikileaks released a leaked email that revealed the OPCW has held back evidence that is inconvenient for the War Party's narrative. Wikileaks Arms Watch...

News Roundup 12/16/19

News Roundup 11/25/19

US News Trump says the US is working on a deal with the Taliban. [Link] An FBI official is being investigated for changing a document related to Russiagate. [Link] The Navy is pushing back against Trump’s decision to restore the pay and rank of war criminal Navy Seal...

Edward Snowden Comedy Tribute

Edward Snowden Comedy Tribute

Did you know the NSA keeps a permanent record of your movement through your cellphone’s location? Is the government’s mass surveillance program even legal? Edward Snowden is the NSA whistleblower who revealed the extent of the government’s bulk data collection.  In...



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