
Medical kidnapping of children by the state

Disagree with your child's doctor and you may get a visit from a SWAT team.  Child Protection Service, state legislators and the juvenile courts are using federal child protection acts to expand their police powers.  In Arizona members of the judicial system set up a...

News Roundup 4/8/19

Trump Administration 14 high dollar donors to Trump's inaugural fund have been nominated to be ambassadors.   [Link] Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen resigns. [Link] Criminal Justice A Texas inmate was forced to use a blanket he was allergic to for ten...

America: Totalitarian Police State

Lenore Skenazy at Reason: Mom Ignores Doctor When Her Sick 2-Year-Old Starts Feeling Better, Child Services Send a SWAT Team Arizona Parents Who Defied Doctor's Orders to Bring Sick 2-Year-Old to the Hospital Now Face Child Abuse Charges

News Roundup 2/12/19

News Roundup 2/12/19

US News An Arizona police officer tased a man 11 times for no reason. The officer pulled down the man’s pants and attempted to tase his genitals in front of his children. The officer is still on the force. [Link] US and National Guard soldiers deployed to the southern...

News Roundup 2/12/19

News Roundup 1/22/19

2020 Kamala Harris announces she is running for president in 2020. [Link] How the Democrat 2020 candidates reacted to Trump’s Syria withdraw. [Link] Police Shootings The former Chicago police officer who killed Laquan McDonald was sentenced to six years and nine...



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