
Abolish the FBI

Abolish the FBI

As a libertarian, let me make my position clear with respect to the FBI: It should be abolished, not reformed or reined in. That’s because in a free society there is no national police force. Criminal justice, along with all the power a criminal-justice system...

News Roundup 2/28/19

US News Nikki Haley has been named to Boeing’s board of directors. [Link] Trump is looking to change US policy to make foreign small arms exports easier. Senator Bob Menendez is blocking the policy shift. [Link] The Commander of NORTHCOM says there is no threat...

The Perfect Amount of Government

The Perfect Amount of Government

In a broad sense, political philosophy is very simple: if you’re not an anarchist, then everything else is just debating the “ideal” amount or level of government. Conservatives supposedly want the government out of their wallets, while liberals want them out of their...

2017 Review: Yemen

On the night of Trump’s inauguration, he approved a raid on al-Qaeda in a village in central Yemen. Two Americans were killed in the raid: Chief Petty Officer Ryan Williams and 8-year-old Nawar Anwar al-Awlaki. Nawar was hit in the neck with a bullet and died in her...



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