
Is Virtue Signaling Vicious?

Is Virtue Signaling Vicious?

Virtue signaling—the practice of highlighting what one takes to be one’s own moral superiority, often by loudly denouncing the character and comportment, including the speech, of other people—has become a dominant mode of rhetoric throughout social media and network...

Rediscovering Faith w/Justin Campbell

Rediscovering Faith w/Justin Campbell

Justin joined me to discuss our revelations, divorces, and relationships with the spiritual world. Justin does video work for Lions of Liberty, Counterflow, and Pete Quinones. If you need video editing and development contact Justin for details. Justin Twitter Fact...

The Police Are Not Going to Be There For You

The person who trusts the police to protect them is the person who has never had to rely on the police for protection. They're historians. They show up after the fact to take your statement. I've seen people on gun forums say in one moment to get a gun and learn how...



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