George W. Bush

They Hate Our Freedom

They Hate Our Freedom Near the end of 2022,[1] the government finally released the notes from the 9/11 Commission’s interview of President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney from April 29, 2004. Would you believe it turns out the president admitted that his...

US Will Threaten Europe To Implement Sanctions on Russia

US Will Threaten Europe To Implement Sanctions on Russia

The White House plans to send a clear message to its European partners in the economic war against Russia, “you are either with us or against us.” Two US Treasury officials will visit European and Central Asian partners next month to demand all sanctions on Russia be implemented.

White House Wants to Form International Tribunal to Prosecute Russian Leader for War Crimes

White House Wants to Form International Tribunal to Prosecute Russian Leader for War Crimes

After months of indecision, the Joe Biden administration has come out in favor of using international mechanisms to punish Russian officials for the “crime of aggression” in Ukraine. The White House has resisted Kiev’s effort to prosecute President Vladimir Putin and other Russian leaders at the International Crime Court (ICC) over fears that American officials could face similar accountability.



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