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Power as Property: Inside the Mind of a Politician

Power as Property: Inside the Mind of a Politician

The defense of property is a relatively undisputed right of the citizenry. If someone threatens the safety of you or your family, or insinuates a threat by trespassing, breaking and entering, or burglarizing your property most people won’t blink at the use of force in...

ESG and the New World Order w/Michael Rectenwald

ESG and the New World Order w/Michael Rectenwald

Michael Rectenwald joined me once again. Today we discuss ESG, rising gas prices, cartelization, globalization, the New World Order, and Alexander Dugin. Michael Rectenwald Globalism speech (36:06 min mark) Why A War Will Be Good For Russia, Alexander Dugin The Final...

2% Inflation Is Killing Us

2% Inflation Is Killing Us

Fed chairman Jerome Powell is increasingly under fire for his apparently inability to take inflation seriously or admit it may be more than “transitory.” There’s been much talk of tapering the Fed’s enormous asset purchases, yet—as is typical for the Fed, actual...

C.J. Hopkins: The War Is Over …..Globocap Triumphs!

OK, so, that was not cool. For one terrifying moment there, it actually looked like GloboCap was going to let Russian-Asset Hitler win. Hour after hour on election night, states on the map kept turning red, or pink, or some distinctly non-blue color. Wisconsin …...

Stephen M Walt: Countries Should Mind Their Own Business

"As A.J.P. Taylor once archly observed, leaders in the 19th century “fought ‘necessary’ wars and killed thousands; the idealists of the 20th century fought ‘just’ wars and killed millions.”  Stephen M. Walt (professor of international relations at Harvard University)...



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