Idaho Falls

Idaho Man Mistakenly Shot By Cops In His Backyard

"An Idaho police officer fatally shot a man in his own backyard Monday while searching a neighborhood for a suspect believed to be armed, officials said." This is how the cops describe the shooting: "We do not currently have the answers as to what exactly occurred...

Freedom Zealot Podcast October 1 2016

Carol Dodge wanted to know who murdered her daughter, Angie. The Idaho Falls Police and Bonneville County Prosecutor simply wanted to clear a case, and didn't care whether they convicted the actual killer. This is entirely typical of the State's "justice" system....



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Israel Winner of the 2003 Iraq Oil War

Israel Winner of the 2003 Iraq Oil War

From the Foreword by Lawrence B. Wilkerson: “[T]he debate over whether oil was a principal reason for the 2003 invasion has waxed and waned, with one camp arguing that it absolutely was, while the other argues the precise opposite.” “Mr. Vogler, himself a former...

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