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Mike Pence

News Roundup 9/26/18

A Florida police officer has been exposed for planting drugs on innocent people. Several of the officer's victims are having the charges dropped. [Link] The FAA Reauthorization Bill give the government the power to spy on and shoot down privately owned drones. The...

News Roundup 4/24/18

Lt General Keith Kellogg will serve as Mike Pence's National Security Adviser. [Link] Rand Paul announces his support for Mike Pompeo as Secretary of State. [Link] The Senate Foreign Relations Committee approves Pompeo's nomination. [Link] Over 80 Generals and high...

News Roundup 2/13/18

An Oklahoma judge gave a woman a lenient jail sentence because she sterilized herself. [Link] Trump introduces a $4.4 trillion budget. The budget includes a $1.4 trillion in infrastructure spending. [Link] Trump also plans to expand the US nuclear weapons arsenal....



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