North Korea

Trump Fires Bolton!

Trump Fires Bolton!

On FPF #396, I discuss Trump's firing of John Bolton. Bolton served as Trump's National Security Adviser for the past year and a half. Bolton used his position to push for more war and destroy nuclear agreements. This should not have come to as a surprise to anyone,...

News Roundup 8/2/19

News Roundup 8/2/19

US News A US grand jury indicts a Chinese billionaire for violating US tariffs. [Link] Facebook removes accounts that it says had ‘coordinated inauthentic behavior’ and run by the Saudi government. [Link] North Korea North Korea tests short-range missiles. Trump said...

Trump Fires Bolton!

Kim Tests Some Missiles

On FPF #381, I discuss the status of talks between the US and North Korea. North Korea recently tested some missiles, and the never-Trumpers attempted to make a show of the tests. Trump downplayed the tests and said that he continues to hope for talks with North...

Trump on Twitter: The Good & Bad

Trump on Twitter: The Good & Bad

On FPF #373, I discuss how Trump has used Twitter to make threats and conduct diplomacy. Trump famously tweeted an invitation to Kim Jong-un to meet at the DMZ. The tweet led to a meeting of the two leaders and Trump being the first president to cross into North...

News Roundup 6/12/19

US News The US formally request the UK extradite Julian Assange. [Link] The Trump administration calls for Saudi Arabia to show tangible progress into the investigation of the murder of Jamal Khashoggi. [Link] Senate Democrats and Republicans are working to block...



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