North Korea

Socialism Always Fails

Socialism Always Fails

The Nation, which enthusiastically has supported every totalitarian communist regime that has existed in the past century (and that includes Pol Pot’s Cambodia and North Korea) is now firmly riding the Bernie Sanders bandwagon. This article, entitled “Why American...

Lies They Tell To Start Wars

Lies They Tell To Start Wars

On FPF #445, I debunk lies about North Korea and Iran. On North Korea, the blob often claims the US must take an aggressive position on  North Korea because of North Korean nuclear weapons. I explain how the North Korean nuclear weapon program is a reaction to...

News Roundup 9/27/19

News Roundup 9/27/19

US News Trump places travel sanctions on several members of the Castro family for supporting Maduro. [Link] Russia summoned the US ambassador because the US did not grant visas to ten members of the Russian UN delegation. The UN General Assembly meeting is held in New...

Lies They Tell To Start Wars

Trump Fires Bolton!

On FPF #396, I discuss Trump's firing of John Bolton. Bolton served as Trump's National Security Adviser for the past year and a half. Bolton used his position to push for more war and destroy nuclear agreements. This should not have come to as a surprise to anyone,...



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