
Is Virtue Signaling Vicious?

Is Virtue Signaling Vicious?

Virtue signaling—the practice of highlighting what one takes to be one’s own moral superiority, often by loudly denouncing the character and comportment, including the speech, of other people—has become a dominant mode of rhetoric throughout social media and network...

News Roundup 11/10/21

News Roundup 11/10/21

US News A Missouri prosecutor admits Kevin Strickland - who has been in prison for over 40 years for a triple murder - is innocent. [Link] A USA Today investigation finds laws, unions, and culture protect police from facing consequences for committing crimes. [Link]...

Double Standard Drones

Double Standard Drones

On August 29, 2021, the U.S. forces in Afghanistan conducted an airstrike against an ISIS-K leader in Kabul. Tensions had been running high throughout the city, as just several days ago a deadly terrorist attack was carried out that killed over 70 people, including...

The War on Drugs for Her

The War on Drugs for Her

She had just turned fifteen. She was a good girl, though some of her friends had a wilder side. They did like to party. She was excited to attend a music festival, a large one geared to people under eighteen. While she was there the police were conducting an operation...



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