The sub-human government employees of South Florida are at it again: On Thursday, the Miami Herald reported that the Miami-Dade Police Department has issued 162 citations for violating the county's mandatory mask ordinance, which comes with a $100 penalty. One woman,...
America’s Hobbesian Tyranny
by Jim Bovard | Jul 25, 2020 | Featured Articles
Almost 400 years ago, English philosopher Thomas Hobbes wrote a book scoffing at tyrannophobia—the “fear of being strongly governed.” This was a peculiar term that Hobbes invented in Leviathan, since civilized nations had feared tyrants for almost 2000 years at that...
Hitman Kills Son of Judge Overseeing Deutsche Bank-Epstein Trial
by Scott Horton | Jul 20, 2020 | Blog
Now that is some 100-level gangster sh*t right there. You might have thought a federal judge overseeing a case brought by the U.S. Department of Justice was untouchable. But you would be wrong. So did the bank have her son killed? Did Benjamin Netanyahu do it? Or was...
Colin Powell 17 Years After Lying Us Into War: ‘Boo Hoo. It’s Someone Else’s Fault’
by Scott Horton | Jul 20, 2020 | Blog
Will this most political general's self-promotional PR tour ever end? You are a guilty war criminal, Colin. It's not just your obituary. Your gravestone will say so too. And for all of the rest of human history you will be known as the useful tool who knew he was...
Rep Thomas Massie On GOP Amendment To End War In Afghanistan
by Steven Woskow | Jul 17, 2020 | Blog
"A defense bill amendment to repeal authority for military force that has been in place since right after 9-11, effectively expediting plans for a full withdrawal and ending America's longest war." Massie states the biggest obstacle may be that Democrat House Leader...
U.S. Navy is a Joke
by Scott Horton | Jul 15, 2020 | Blog
Their obsolete-before-they're-even-made new aircraft carriers don't work worth a damn. Meanwhile the carrier reduced to slag in San Diego was meant to host the marines' F-35, whose vertical takeoff mode burns holes right through the decks of other carriers. Don't...
BLM Protesters Sit In at Kentucky AG’s House, Arrested
by Scott Horton | Jul 15, 2020 | Blog
87 people were arrested and charged with felonies(!) for sitting in at the Kentucky Attorney General's house to let him know that he better charge the cops who murdered Breonna Taylor. (ACLU is protesting against the felony charges. They're almost sure to be dropped.)...
You Say You Want A Revolution
by Steven Woskow | Jul 9, 2020 | Blog
Defund the state! “I want to say that as long as we don’t receive our rights as citizens, without the terrible and discouraging bureaucracy, I’m declaring that I’m not paying taxes to the State of Israel,” Rudner said. “I call on all Israelis to do the same. Maybe...
Is the Medal of Honor Now Subject to Woke Revisionism?
Note: We just returned from a short vacation visiting new grandchildren hence the brief interregnum of posting. The Medal of Honor is the highest citation for combat action in the US military. It's premature to say exactly what direction this is going because the DoD...
6 Hours of Scott Horton: On with Smith, Murphy, Woods & Russell
Scott's been making the libertarian podcast rounds with our friends Dave Smith – the very failed comedian – the great economist and successful comedian (on Twitter) Bob Murphy, historian and email marketing master Tom Woods, and Clint Russell of the Liberty Lockdown...
Restricting Production
"At the bottom of the interventionist argument there is always the idea that the government or the state is an entity outside and above the social process of production, that it owns something which is not derived from taxing its subjects, and that it can spend this...
Ford Follies: The Carrier Grift That Just Keeps Giving
Stop building these things. Even the corporate/access defense media is starting to sound the alarm bells on the multi-billion carrier fiasco that is the USS Ford which is probably causing plenty of public relations professionals in the Navy to go apoplectic. As my...
“Capitalism” Is about Freedom, Not Capital
"Why 'capitalism'? Words have an unfortunate tendency to confuse. Free market capitalism is not really about capital, it is about handing control of the economy from the top to billions of independent consumers, entrepreneurs and workers, and allowing them to make...
Ticonderoga Leaves the Fleet: The US Surface Navy Continues to Shrink
The US Navy surface fleet continues to shrink. And every surface hull commissioned after the Arleigh Burke class in 1991 has been a failure. The Chinese Navy exceeds the US Navy in total warships deployed. What makes this even more astonishing is that the Chinese...
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