
FPF #283 – Hell on Earth

On FPF #283, I discuss the crisis in Yemen. Senator Chris Murphy recently wrote the US is assisting in the creation of hell on Earth in Yemen. The Senate is set to debate a bill that could invoke Congress' Constitutional War Making Powers to end the US support for the...

FPF #278 – Progress

On FPF # 278, I discuss a vote advancing to a debate on Senate Joint Resolution 54, a War Powers bill that will end the US support for Saudi Arabia's war in Yemen. The vote passed 63-37, all the nays were Republicans. Saudi Arabia's genocidal war against the people of...

This Week in Congress

This Week in Congress

The parties will also begin appointing committee and subcommittee chairs. I’ll have a full analysis of the House and Senate leadership committee chairs when they are finalized. The Senate will be considering the Coast Guard Reauthorization bill as well as nominations....

News Roundup 11/7/18

The Republicans retain control of the Senate. The Democrats win control of the House. Michigan voters legalize pot. Two additional states legalize medical marijuana. [Link] General Dunford says US troops will not come into contact with the migrant caravan. [Link] The...

News Roundup 10/12/18

The Senate approved 15 federal judges in a package deal without debate. An agreement to approve the judges was bipartisan so Senators could go to their home states to campaign. [Link] Facebook unpublished the pages of several independent media sites without...

News Roundup 9/5/18

Arizona's governor selects former Senator Jon Kyl to fill John McCain's Senate seat. [Link] Aaron Mate argues Russiagate myths with James Risen. [Link] The US warns Israel not to attack Iranian targets in Iraq. [Link] US sanctions against Iran are starting to reduce...



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